The costs of rebuilding is of major concern to insurance companies whose premiums are based on values presented for the construction costs. The costs of rebuilding however is never a straight like for like model and it is unlikely that exactly the same building will be constructed in place of the lost or damaged structure. The costs presented are at various levels of rebuilding and vary significantly between countries because of various factors and typical national construction methods and traditions. The costs of rebuilding on ECC models are arranged in various levels so for example the costs in southern, more earthquake prone countries reflect not only their typical experience but of course that the initial structure would have been designed within those parameters. A major divergence in cost can be as simple as the amount of substructure and foundations that can be reused. The Netherlands typically constructs all buildings on massively piled foundations and so the retention of that for the rebuilding represents a significant cost benefit. The local experience and local understanding of the national affiliates enables ECC to offer realistic appraisal of their costs